Designing mapping
Started of (way to late) with the actual designing, this didnt satisfy me enough so together with somefeedback i decided to just start over again >:o
So i started over again, this time with a clear way of working. start with only the layout and the placing, also resketching the general overview of the route website
The map design is made to show you on which location you are at that moment and place on the website
Final Interface
Link to the actual interface:
Typography choices
The typeface needs to have an connection between something sexual and somehting virtual
Thats why i decided to use OCR A and Bebas Neue, becasue the thin versions of Bebas are pretty classy, so this is a connection to this sex world, (eventho its not always classy) and the OCR A becasue its a super virtual font, its alsmost a code like typeface
Interactive Arduinos workshop
What i maybe could do with this workshop is to make an object that reacts on the user begind the pc their motion

for example, the user would only be able to see or view different locations or pages of the website by moving the object in the right directioin