To test my interface I decided to make posters with my selected artist with a dominatrix/ sex workers esthetic and put them near the Amsterdam red district, which is from what we got inspired for the idea of our user group. Then I will film and see the reaction of the people that go to this type of places. I tried to contact a sex worker or domiantrix and ask them questions about the posters and how those this make them feel. Since I had no reply I decided to interview the people from he red district.
I finished my poster, so I'm going o print it and go to Amsterdam to do some interviews.
Video testing my interface
-What are you testing?
A poster promoting the artist Albana Bertommé Martinez two dominatrix/sex workers.

-Which prototype are you making?
Im making a poster advertising Albana Bertommé Martinez portfolio.

-Where will you test it?
Since the dominatrix or sex workers are so dificlt to contact even tho really tried I decided too got to the red district of Amsterdam an try to get some interviews.

-Who will be your testers?
Well in this case because of he inaccessibility of my user group I chose to test my interface in people that go this type of areas, the red district.

-How will you document your test?
I will make a video.
After editing the feedback from my testing and from Megan I started to modify my poster into a promotion that would attract more Amsterdam district people too the Rotterdam art, in this case to Aubane Berthommé Martinez.